Hello, World!
I mean, how else is a programmer supposed to start their personal blog, right?
My name is André Mello and if you wish to know a little bit more about me you should check out my About me page.
I’ve been thinking about creating my own personal little space on the web for a while now, but I simply couldn’t muster the courage. I actually couldn’t even think about what I should/would end up posting anyways.
But now, I have finally made up my mind about setting up my page and I have a sound plan about what I’ll be posting here:
…drum rolls…
I’ll post about whatever I feel like. 🙃
In all seriousness, I’ll probably use this site to rant about subjects I find interesting. I’ll also try to write some short guides/tutorials/pieces of information about programming in general that I wish to share and that I believe that could be useful to anyone in some way.
Also, since I’m brazilian, I’d like to have most (if not all) of my content both in english as well as in portuguese. You can check if a post has its Portuguese/English counterpart in the footer of each post.
Well, guess I’ll wrap this first post by now and start thinking about posting some real content soon. 🙂