Hello there.

Hi, I’m André Mello and research and coding are my passions!

I’m located in São Paulo, Brazil.

I consider myself a generalist, although I’ve leaned on Artificial Intelligence topics for the most of my academic years. I got my bachelor’s degree in Information Systems at the University of São Paulo. More specifically, at the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities. I’m currently pursuing my master’s degree in Computer Science at USP’s Institute of Mathematics and Statistics. This is my academic CV: Lattes CV.

My main areas of interest are Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, as well as Research Software Engineering and Free/Libre Open Source Software.

My hobbies are calisthenics, a bit of casual gaming and watching some animations.

The latest project that I’m proud to have worked on in one of my master’s classes is the MsFLOSS. It is a system built for tracking relevant information on FLOSS projects. It’s composed of various microservices. Each of which can gather data from different sources (GitHub, Issue Trackers, Mailing Lists, etc) and generate interesting visualizations and insights about a given project.

Want to contact me? Check my social media at the page’s footer and feel free to drop me a message in any one of them or even send me an email! I’ll be happy to get in touch. :)