Hello there.

Hi, I’m André Mello and research and coding are my passions!

I’m located in São Paulo, Brazil.

Keep reading more about me in english or portuguese.

Fun fact:

I love naming things in a clever way. That’s why I had a hard time coming up with a good name for this site. I’ve finally settled with atGM’s Base and I’m pretty happy with the result. There are many references behind it and I love it.

First off, atGM are my initials: André Thomaz Gandolpho de Mello. However it is written in a way that could be read as @GM. This is a throwback to my early days in which I enjoyed me some (or rather, a lot) Ragnarök Online. In this context, GM stands for Game Master, and the @ symbol can be thought of as a way to reach to the Game Master. However the @ symbol was also largely used for using custom commands in private servers (@go, @storage, etc.). Not that I’ve ever played any private server. That’s only what I heard of.

Now to the Base. This one has multiple meanings behind it as well. In Computer Science one of the first concepts we are introduced to by the beginning of the course is the base-2 numeral system. Basecally (pun intended), understanding this is key to understanding how computers tick. On the other hand this is not the main reason behind the atGM’s Base naming. If you’ve ever played Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald or Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire you might remember the Secret Bases. Coming from Pokémon Crystal, this new feature blew my mind as a kid. A place I could claim as my own and customize as I see fit in my favorite videogame franchise? This was beyond awesome. I can’t begin to explain what that felt like to young André, but I hope I could give you a taste of how important this simple and yet ingenious mechanic was to me. So it is only logical that I’d call my very own place on the internet my “Base”. Not a Secret one though. Just a Base. My Base. atGM’s Base.